AAT3D In Modern Machine Shop Article About Probing Feedback

Explore advanced machining automation: feedback loops enable in-process corrections, merging production and quality control into a "smart factory" setup. Learn more about AAT3D in this exclusive Modern Machine Shop article.

AAT3D In Modern Machine Shop Article About Probing Feedback

AAT3D In Modern Machine Shop Article

Opportunities for machining automation can extend beyond moving or handling parts. When the application is right, using feedback loops between measuring devices and CNCs for automatic, in-process corrections can bring the promise of the interconnected shop floor down to the level of the individual workzone. Add functions such as automatic report generation, and these systems operate like miniature, self-contained “smart factories,” where traditionally siloed production and quality control processes merge. As such, self-correcting feedback loops could be implemented, either as an introduction to data-driven workflows or as an addition to already digitalized shop floors.

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